
Learning German in Kyrgyzstan

Teaching session
© DAAD/Lichtenscheidt

Established in 2001, the Language Learning Centre’s mission is to represent and promote German language and culture. The centre offers courses in German as a foreign language using state-of-the-art teaching methods, the latest materials from Germany and lessons delivered by qualified teachers.

The centre also holds Goethe-Institut examinations at all language proficiency levels.
Bishkek Language Learning Centre (German and Russian only)


The German language assistant and the LLC’s intern have weekly consultation hours every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m.

Information centre

German literature, video and audio materials are available to borrow from the LLC’s information centre. You can also use the reading room, which is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m.

Help arranging internships

If you are studying at a German higher education institution and are interested in completing an internship in Kyrgyzstan, our colleagues at the Language Learning Centre can help you find the right partner and assist with local correspondence and communication.

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